Our sweet Jack. He's getting old now, and much more mellow.
We found Jack in an ad for a "free" dog. I told my son, who was about 8 years old, that we were just looking. I wasn't ready for a pet...so I thought.
Jack was around 6 months old, tied to a chain that was about 6 feet. The owner unhooked Jack and he ran straight to our car and jumped in the open door. And that was that.
My son and Jack have a special relationship, being that they have grown up together. Jack is stubborn and always wanted to be THE dog. Jack also has (or had) a very short temper. He and my son would go round and round, wrestling, while Jack tried to bite Nick. I don't think he ever meant to hurt him, but Jack had obviously been abused in his first 6 months of life.
Jack has been our watchdog, our brother, son, and best friend.
Now, as he slips into his golden years, he has arthritis, declining vision and hearing, and a lack of energy. But he is still our boy. He always will be.