First, I want to let everyfurryone know that my dog-mommy, Mya Boo Boo, is doing just fine! She had her spa(y) day and gets to stay overnight. My granny isn't happy about not having her around tonight, but we get to bring her home in the morning!
Now on to ME!
Since I came home, I've not been on any car rides. Granny was waiting until I got more used to my new surroundings. Well, today was the day! After taking Mya for her spa day, Granny and hooman uncle went to visit the Nana...I'm not sure what the Nana is...but I think she's Granny's mama.
Anyway, after that, they came home and got me! I had an ice cream cone from McDonalds! Plus some french fries!
"I feel a disturbance in the force"
And if all this excitement wasn't enough, I got to go to the park! They allow furries, as long as they are on a leash. So, hooman uncle took me all around the LONG track!
There was so many smells!
I couldn't believe my snooter!
Hurry up, Nick! I gotta explore!!!
Granny stayed at the car cause she wasn't wearing the proper foot attire...whatever that means. I'm not wearing any foot tires....
At first it was a nice slow walk.
Then we picked up the pace! I took off in a trot...then a run...and Nick followed along with me!
What a cool trip!! Glad to see you're doing good and to hear your mom is okay. we can't wait to hear she's safe at home!
Too bad MBB can only get spayed once - sounds like you had quite the special day.
Hope MBB has a comfortable night and is good enough to come home tomorrow.
Woos, the OP Pack
Too bad MBB can only get spayed once - sounds like you had quite the special day.
Hope MBB has a comfortable night and is good enough to come home tomorrow.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Jedi
Sounds like you had the best day. We love to go to Petsmart.
Glad MBB is ok.
Love Ruby & Penny
Woo what a great day you had, I'm with MBB, I had a day at the vet, but I am home tonight, which is good!
Ice cream! I need to have Mommy get me some!
Just wait until woo tell your mom about your day
AND what she missed since she was at 'the spa'
Maybe the two of woo khan go when she's feeliing more rested and relaxed!
Glad your mom is doing well!
How lucky you got to go to Petsmart! We don't have one here, but I'm still waiting to go to Petco. :)
You have a beautiful coat!
You got to eat ice cream and french fries!?!?!? Woowee!
Cheers, Honey
What a pawsome day! I bet you slept well after all that :)
Big licks to you
Wow that is too many cool things crammed into one day. We are betting you were a tired pup.
What a very exciting day for you!
I hope your mom is doing ok at the spa and will not be too worn out from it all when she gets back.
~lickies, Ludo
Awesome adventures! Don't worry about your little disturbance... we're sure no one was looking.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi Jedi! What an exciting day you had! I'm glad everything went well with your mama - I'm sure you'll be glad to have her home soon.
See ya!
HaRooo Jedi!
Woo had a furry eggsiting day! I guess dey didn't want woo to miss MBB too much for da day.
Ice cream and french fries sound pawsome!
Husky kisses,
PeeS: Nikita is guilty of efurrything.
The first visit to Petsmart? That's a huge milestone, kind of like graduating from college :)
What a day! I have had ice cream from McDonalds, but never french fries! Obviously I am really missing out. That park looks pretty fun too.
Did you pick out a new toy at Petsmart?
Whew, that is a big adventure indeed! It's a good thing the Force was with you!
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