Here's how it began:
Last year, while I was preggers, I loved laying under mommy's bed! But she was afraid I would hurt the puppies, so she took her bed off the frame and set it on the floor.
Woos woos!!! Sibes are not known for patience and doing as they are I right? One day while mommy was out, I wanted to get under "my" bed!! So, I did the only thing I could do...
Warning...woo must keep this quiet because it is very damaging to my current case.
Well, I've been caught again. Mommy knows I loves to stay under her bed...but she never realized that I was remodeling.
I hate to paw this but....
PeeEssWoo: Yet another one to show The Doggy Nanny - it makes MFT's stokhk rise!
What is going on over there? Is Jedi bothering you? I mean. . you did a great job of remodeling and all. But Kelly was going "tsk, tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty" when she read this and I KNOW that's her BAD language.
I hope that you can get out on probation soon.
PS--Let us know if you need an alabi.
Oh wow, I do not know how you will get out of this one. You have done a lot of remodeling but I am not sure your mom is going to like what you have done, some humans are just so picky. good luck. =)
Rut roh! How ever will woo hide this? Better hire a repair person fast.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I like being under the bed too, but when I was a youngster Mom removed all of the carpeting from the bedroom, now there is this noisy laminate stuff, nothing to dig up. Good luck!-Kira
Umm...I don't think you can hide this one, MBB.
I like to crawl under my futon in the living room, but I can only lay under the front now. Mom pushed it up against the wall and blocked it so I can't get under the back.
Hmm... you've given me an idea. You see, when I was a puppy, I loved crawling around under Mom and Dad's bed. Then I got big and kept getting stuck. So finally I stopped going under there. However, if I chewed off all the fabric, that would give me a lot more room.
I better get to work.
Hmmm, you should contact Ransom... She is on my friends list if you don't already know her. She is looking fur a place to hide out...
Big licks to you
Have NO Fear! Chester, your pawblic defender is here! First of all, these pictures will not be used in court-they were obviously staged. And did you or did you not, say that your Mom originally planned this space for the purpose of your children? So the law is on your side. She should be impressed by your home decorating skills and be glad you did not decide to relocate to the living room couch! Case closed!
Woofs and innocent slobbers!
Hi Mya Boo Boo
Unfortunatly the jig is up. Someone has spotted your secret hiding place. Better get out while you can.
Love Ruby & Penny
I don't know why humans care what it looks like under beds. It's not like they go under there.
Uh-oh ... i hope you didn't get a life sentence! Hopefully your momma forgives you soon enough and forgets the entire re-modelling incident.
Humans simply don't appreciate canine remodelling work ... no matter how much effort you put into the project! :P
Licks and Wags,
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
Girl! We are emailing our address to you so you can get the heck out of dodge cuz you are soooooooooo in trouble!!!!!!
Tun! Run like the wind! Don't pass go. Don't collect $200!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Pee Ess, Tink wants your to bring Doodle with you!
Wink Wink
Good work Mya, it look much better that way.
Hey, Chester is really smart!
See ya!
You better hope she doesn't decide to add a lower level and dig down to the basement.
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