Haroooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! It IS true! MBB here to officially announce our
I cannot believe so much has happened in one year! It's just incredible!
Anywoos, I would like to thank every furrie out there....kitties.....doggies....even if woo don't have fur, thank woo for being our friends! When mommy started this blog, it was to be a tribute to the love of two Sibes...Hehehe...that would be me and Koova!!! Then, to keep in touch with my puppies. And it just snowballed from there!!
Jedi: Snow??
Koova: Did someone say snow???
Mya: Shhhhhh!
CoCo: You're not the boss of me!
Aheem....Anywoos, Mommy never thought there were so many insane dog people in the world....who knew? Mommy thought she was the crazy one!
Doodle: Mommy is the crazy one.
Jack: She's not crazy...just special.
Koova: You mean mommy rides the short bus?
From all us furries and hoomans here in the Painter Pack, thank woos! Woo all mean so much to us, that, well...mommy just might break into a leak if she thinks about it too much.
Now for the photos!!!!

Now, a lot has been said about blowing coats. This is a wonderful Siberian trait! The more fur we blow into your home/car/closet, the more we love woo!!! It does NOT mean that we are to be brushed or given a bath! Otherwise, we might leave something else in your home/car/closet or even on your bed!! (way to go Ozzie)....
To spread the love of Siberian fur everwhere, mommy took these pictures of my son, Jedi. He is in full-blow mode. This is after being brushed yesterday!! He sure makes his mama proud!!!

Happy blogaversary!!! Nice pics too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Happy Bloganniversary, and yes,
Woo Are BeaWoootiful!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Happy Happy Blogovewsawy!!!
I love all of you too, and think youw special floof is bootiful!
Mommi is vewy glad that thewe awe all these othew "special" hoomans out thewe, heheheIt's nice to know you'we not the onlyest cwazy one, hehehe
Thank you fow all the bootiful pictoowes
smoochie kisses
Happy Blogaversary!!! And also thanks for the shout out! Me, J & K, all enjoy reading your blog and hearing about what's going on in your world!
Happy blogaversary!
If I get close enough, I perhaps can make a new coat for myself.
Happy Blogaversary! And great coat blowing pictures!
Happy Blogoversay!!!
We love reading about your anticc & adventures.
Love Ruby & Penny
happy blogaversary
Happy Blogaversary!
Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs and the blow report!
Of khourse, the bakhk pawsition is khwite khomfy!
Or the donut..
Or the khroissant...
Or all of the above!
PeeEssWoo: Our moms are all 'special' like THAT!
Happy blogaversary!
Happy blogaversary!
This is huge, and I bet the year has flown by in your busy household :) I look forward to another year of Painter pack antics!
Happy Blogoversary!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Blogaversary, Painter Pack! We're glad you're our blogging buddies!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Happy Blogaversary! 5 dogs?! How do you do it? What a great think to look back and see what this critters have been up to.
Kasha and Africa
Happy Blog-a-versary! We love seeing all your pics & hearing about your adventures - keep on bloggin!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hello there Painters' Pack. Happy Blog-aversary! What great pictures of you pack having your time of the day.
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
awww---what great pics! congrats on the blogaversary! that is quite an accomplishment. you are well loved pups for sure!!!!
Happy Blogaverasry!!!! Momma thinks this is a great way to share your bewootiful pictures with everyone.
Princess Eva
Happy Blogaversary to youse all!
And here is to many more!
Raising some kinda bowl as I speak, toasting youse all.
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxx
Happy blogaversary!! woo hoo one year!! =)
Happy Blogaversary! We are very happy to have met you!
Steve and Kat
Happy Blogaversary pals!
Happy Blogaversary!!!
Happy 1st Blogoversary!! We look forward to sharing more happy times with you!!
Talking abt blowing coats, we have a black and white shedding machine at home too and mom is vacumning the floor like 43827 times a day and wiping all surfaces every other minute.. helppp....
Happy anniversary!
Happy Blogaversary!!! We've really enjoyed being your friends!!
do u talk mom into a cheeseburger??? hee hee.
Hi guys!
I'm just stopping by to let you know that Scooby & Lady have set a date fur their wedding. Stop by my blog to see how to RSVP if you would like to attend.
Big licks to you
So nice to meet you all and your blog!
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