I’ve just been informed that three Dogster pups, all belonging to the same household, have been poisoned by antifreeze. It saddens me to share the news that all have passed over to Rainbow Bridge.
The beautiful dogs lost were Jake, Joey, and Nari. Not much is known at this time, but it’s suspected that someone in the neighborhood is responsible. I will update as soon as I have more information. In the meantime, please visit their homepages and leave a little love.
I have no doubt their owner is in desperate need of some kind thoughts to help get her through this. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family.
Antifreeze poisoning is a big issue because dogs are drawn to the sweet smell. Dogs have even been known to chew through the container when they find it left in the garage or elsewhere in the house. It’s so important to make sure the container is stored in a safe and secure place, just like you would do if you had a small child at home. It’s reported that about 10,000 accidental poisonings, both cats and dogs, happen per year.
Death by antifreeze poisoning is not a pretty way to go, it’s a long and painful death. The good news is that if you get your pet to the vet within 9-12 hours after ingestion they may recover.

Please take a moment to hug your furrie babies....I know I am.
Painter Pack Mom
That is so sukhky and so sad...
Mom and I had just read our dogster email about this...
Tank woo fur sharing it here...
How tragic. What a horrible loss.
Hugs, the OP Pack
This makes me so angry and sad. I hope the culprits get what they deserve. Our thoughts are with the family for their loss. It just breaks my heart.
Tearful ozzie
Very sad news indeed...headed over to pay respects right now!
I have been through a similar situation...many unsettling emotions!
That is so sad. :(
oh god...
That is so horrible and sad. Our thoughts are very much with Jake, Joey, and Nari's mum at this dreadful time.
Run free darlings.
Muzzle and Minnie-Moo
we are so sorry for the loss of those wonderful dogs
That's horrible! I hope they catch the cretin who did it!
We can't believe!!!!
This make us so angry and sad!!!!!!!!!
We hope the culprits get what they deserve!!!!!!!!
how can an humans make sooooooooo terrific things????????
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family for their loss!!!!!!!!
It just breaks our hearts and we can't stop our tears!!!!!!!
dear sweet friends.....Nari...Joey...Jake....
run free in the wind!!!!!!!!
you'll be forever in our hearts!!!!
I can't believe people would do this.. naive on my part. How devastating. I can't even imagine. Thanks for posting it.
Those of us on Catster got the email too. It's so sad. Mum had the leaky eyes when she read it.
Huffle Mawson
OMdoG.. this is so tragic. Mom says she can't imagine losing me or Hershey, let alone poor Jasmine who lost 3 of her babies.
Psst.. Mom was threatning to 'kill' Hershey cos mom discovered that Hershey chewed up a huge chunk of her fairly new curtains. After reading this sad story, I think Hershey is spared for now..
oh I am really sorry to read about this tragedy. Our thoughts are with the family.
Run free and free from pain dear dogs, what a terribly sad thing to happen.
Jeannie and Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx
So tragic, our hearts go out to their bipeds. They must be crazy with grief. Living with bipeds who adore us, it's hard to imagine how anyone could do such a horrible thing - GRRRRRRRRRRR!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Mya Boo Boo,
Thanks for coming to visit me and your lovely comment! I love making new friends and I look forward to reading all about your adventures and getting to know your family!
Wow - you have a BIG pack, don't you? I'm an "only pet" at the moment, although I did have a kitty sister that I grew up with but she died suddenly in January - we still really miss her.
You are very beautiful, Mya Boo Boo - such amazing eyes!!
Honey the Great Dane
:( sad
xo sugar
That is so sad. Our hearts hurt fur da family.
May Nari, Joey and Jake be dancing among the stars and dat their paws are furever on their Ma and Pa's hearts.
Husky kisses,
I'm so late to respond, but am terribly, terribly sad and angered by such a horrid tale. Thank you for the warnings and I'll pay a visit to these doggies' mas and dads.
Hugsz xo
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