It has been a furry busy week for me! With Jack's 'sploding butt and "wee" problems! The old man seems to be ok for now! So, I decided, after such a busy week, I would get some rest!

I hope all the pups and kats have an excellent weekend! Remember to get as many squirrels as woo can!! We must not let Tank down just because it is the weekend!
Mya Boo Boo--
OWAS soldier!
we laughed at the sploding butt--hahaha! could those pics be any cuter????
Enjoy your rest MBB and have a great weekend.
Love Ruby & Penny
Poor thing...has a problem with a 'sploding butt and wee issues? What's wrong? Canned pumpkin can help with #2 and cornsilk capsules can help with #1 for some doggies.
Hope his issues clear up.
We think the paw placement is pretty good, but will let Khyra be the final judge.
You look very comfy there MBB.
Have a great weekend.
Holly & Zac...XX
I get annoyed when Mom gets the camera out when I'm trying to rest, too! It's really annoying.
Poor Jack. You shouldn't make fun of puppies named Jack! :)
MBB - my mom just a couple of hours ago did the same thing when I was trying to get a little shut-eye! What is up with these moms, anyhoo? As an aside, have you heard that Tank's been abducted by those nasty Skwirl varmints? Take a lookie at his blog - scary....
Hugs xo
I think your final pikh demonstrates your ability to do a darned good paw placement!
I think woo get treats fur that!
Oh boy.. I wanna snuggle up with you.
Why do humans always have to ruin a good nap?
Princess Eva
Happy Weekend!!!!
We just can't figure out why our Humans think it's fun to take pictures while we sleep! If you figure it out, let us know! Have a great weekend!
Thor and Marco Polo
Just checking back. I bet your not still in that position.
Hope your nap was finally uninterrupted for a long while - those photos are just too cute!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
what an expert napper - we would love to join you - mommy makes us work very hard
woodrow sweetie mj
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