Some kitty cat fun!
Kung Fu moves from Salem!
Sophie: "Seriously? Enough with the flashy box! I'm trying to teach this kitten some manners!"
Sophie: "I need to find higher ground."
Sophie: "Taking a break!"
Mom: Salem likes to hide in the folds of the cushions on our couch. She will sleep for hours while human brother watches TV or plays his video games!
Jack: " What? Yes, I know it is a cat. What can I do? I'm fine with 'em. Too old to give a crap now."
Jack: "Just leave me alone and let me sleep. When's dinner? "
Sophie: "Some more Kung-Fu fighting going on!"
Sophie: "OK...I'm done now. Time for rest from robo-kitten."
Sophie looks like Honey's the Great Dane's new kitty Muesli, huh?
Sophie, those little tykes will exhaust you trying to teach them manners, but don't give up, little Salem will forever follow your lead if you get things right now!
Thanks for the insight and encouragement regarding our Pack's shifting structure. You make us feel better about things.
Sure Salem is giving you all an interesting and busy time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
So much cute!
I always knew Kung Fu Kitties existed! Salem, you are one tough little kitty! But Sophie sure knows how to hold her own! Good job Sophie!
Jack, I am with you. "When's dinner?" :->
Such kitty cuteness!
Hey Jack - hope you're not reincarnated as a kitty... it could happen you know.
PeeS: I know Donald Trump's hair. It used to live in my backyard.
Dropping by on the blog hop today.That's what the world needs today - another talking cat - but it's cute! Stop by my blog www.pet-peeves.org to see a cat say "Let me in" at his owner's window.
Little Salem is soooooo teeny-tiny!! But wow.. looks like she's a bundle of energy! Poor Sophia looks worn out..
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